I never found good information on making a great whole roasted turkey in an electric roaster oven and thought I'd share my tried and true tips for making...
While the cooking method is rather unconventional, this is the absolute best turkey you could ever want to eat. Adapted from a recipe by the late Edna...
A salt water brine changes the cellular structure of the turkey and allows it to both hold in the moisture, as well as pull the seasonings deep into the...
I used this recipe from Better Homes and Gardens for my first year of making Thanksgiving dinner. Judging by the results, no one knew that I hadn't cooked...
This really is a moist and flavourful way to cook a turkey. The smell alone, when it is roasting, lures everyone into the kitchen. You can hardly wait...
This recipe was shared with me by my wonderful boss who is an AMAZING chef! He helped make my 1st Thanksgiving one to remember by giving me this recipe....
NOTE: Even though you may have purchased a Butterball or a butter basted bird, you should still follow these directions, as they inject very little butter...
This recipe came from a Southern gal who obviously knows her food. She wrote on the recipe "the basis for a good fried turkey is the rub." I must say I...
My dad has made this turkey for the past 3 years at Thanksgiving. This is my 1st Thanksgiving at home and I plan on doing it as well. The meat comes out...
This was the first turkey that I ever made. Not sure where the recipe came from now, but this is hands down the best turkey I have ever had. If you can't...
This recipe is courtesy of Wolfgang Puck. It is the most delicious and moist turkey I've ever eaten. Although it is a rather involved recipe, it is well...
I heard about brining from a couple of friends who like to cook and thought I'd try it out. I did some research on the web and came across this brining...
Turkey brine is not created equal...Different salt has different salinity. Use this info before using your favorite brine or use this simple one. Other...
Wonderful sweet gravy; for those looking for something a bit different than traditional turkey gravy. Or skip the gravy recipe and make the herb butter...
The turkey comes out moist and golden - with no effort on your part. Slow-roasting keeps the juices in. It is nearly impossible to over-bake, because the...
This is a moist and flavorful bird with a crispy, spicy skin. I developed this particular recipe myself. I just don't like a soggy-skinned bird and the...
from Alton Brown's show. Brining the bird is the key to moist meat. Made this again this year, only brined in just water instead of stock to save some...
My family nominated me to make a turkey for Easter dinner. Since it was my first time to roast a gobbler, I gave the task some thought. The recipe I came...
When I eat roast turkey, I want a basic recipe, no special herbs or brines. Slow roasted straight up, browned to perfection. Just the way Grandma used...
This will be the BEST roasted turkey you've had, hands down! I prefer this over deep fried turkey as it is about as moist and has much more flavor to it....
This looked so fab on his Christmas TV special. I am making it for christmas lunch this year, and a few other of the recipes provided. Cannot give a guarantee...
This recipe by Martha Stewart makes the most amazingly moist and perfect turkey. Both my mom and mother and law have been using this recipe exclusively...
To properly grill a turkey using a rotisserie the unit must be positioned so the heat source is never directly under the bird. The indirect heat will allow...
I first tried this recipe for Thanksgiving this year, and may I assure you, the name is more than fitting! Tender, juicy, fragrant and, yes, perfect! I...
For a JUICIER and TASTIER turkey, brine before cooking! If your turkey or chicken is kosher do not brine since it has already been salted. Brining isn't...
If you are searching for an outstanding Turkey recipe, this is it! I have been making this turkey recipe for the past eight years and my family would not...
This recipe is adapted from an old Food&Wine magazine. As I think that cooked celery is nasty, I always omit it. I like the variety of tastes and textures...
For succulent meat, brine the bird. Stop your turkey from being dry by brining it and not overcooking it. Also,when serving roasted chicken, you can brine...
I know sounds a little kinky! What more can a turkey want? I brined, injected, rubbed, and deep fried this turkey for the Fourth of July. This recipe is...
This is in response to a new thread in the Q&A. It is a chicken stuffed into a duck stuffed into a turkey. All with stuffing in between. I am posting this...
I made this last year for Thanksgiving, my very first bird...it was absolutely amazing and made me look super impressive! I am making it again this year...
Here is the easy way to cook a turkey. You can't go wrong with this recipe. Also check Uncle Bill Anatooskin's method for cooking turkeys. He pours boiling...
Every Thanksgiving, we've tried a different turkey recipe. This is a good one that we have tried. A mixture of prosciutto, rosemary and plenty of garlic...
This recipe I adapted from a magazine Taste of Home's Light & Tasty. The aroma is great and the oil and juice under the skin keep it nice and moist. The...
Our local Safeway is called Genuardi's and they've been advertising this recipe all over the place. I think it's worth giving a try. This can be done with...
This recipe came from much interest in the whiskey sitting in my cabinet for much too long. I was sure that people kept it around for some reason. I tried...